- Commercial Representation. Do you need someone to represent your business in the Baltic Countries? We will help you with that. If you need someone in Spain to take care of your business there we will help you to find the right person to do it.
- Commercial Agency. We can be your agent in the Baltic Estates.
- Search and Selection of Agents and Distributors. Are you looking for a commercial agent in the Baltic States. Do you want to find the best distribuitors for your goods? Talk with us, we will help you to find the most suitable candidates and we will help you to make the right choices.
- Negotiation Assistance in International Contracts. All the help of our experts to avoid mistakes, misunderstandings or unfair clauses in your international contracts.
- Logistics. Do you need to find the best way for your freight? We will help you to plan your logistics in the best possible way.
- Business Presentations and Promotions. Marketing. Do you want to make a presentation of your business or your products in the Baltic States or in Spain. We will be glad to assist you with that. We have skilled speakers, great sellers & marketing specialists to introduce your brand in a new country.
- Business/Commercial vistis. Assistance in Trade Shows. Have you thought in coming to the Baltic States to meet potential clients, suppliers or partners for your business? We will make a selection of potential business partners for your business. We will organize the meetings. We take care of you while you are in the Baltic States and make sure that your visit is worthy. If you need any assistance we will be there for you.
- Translations. Of documents, labels and particular applicable legislation.
Please, contact us for more information about our services and our rates.